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ER - Tyler, TX

Boating In Texas

Enjoy Your Summer Vacation!This summer isn't complete until you learn about Discover Boating.  Gold Star Finance would like to provide you some great information about how to enjoy your summer a little better.  Discover Boating is a public awareness program managed by the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) on behalf of the North American recreational boating industry.

Discover Boating programs all across the nation focus on increasing participation and creating interest in recreational boating not just in Texas. This is done by demonstrating the benefits, affordability and accessibility of the boating lifestyle, in addition to helping  educate potential boaters and offering opportunities to experience the fun and togetherness of being on the water on a boat.

Statistics tell us that annually nearly 70 million people in the U.S. enjoy boating, the recreational activity that "connects like no other". Gold Star Finance believes since vacations are a part of most families lives, you have a critical role in keeping your vacation safe, fun, and regular on area lakes out on the water. Discover Boating can also be a premiere online source of boating information in general. This great website is dedicated to helping new and potential boaters explore the many benefits that boating has to offer.

While you are on the site, you will find a myriad of boating information and links to resources about boating education and safe boating instruction. Seniors, adults, and families with children alike will certainly enjoy the beginner’s guide to owning, renting and operating a boat, as well as be able to look up information on popular boating destinations all over the USA. From the interactive site features such as “Ask the Boating Guy”,  this Discover Boating website provides new and potential boaters with the pertinent boating information they’re looking for.

If you have never been out on a boat, you are in for a real treat this vacation. In fact you may discover that you won’t wait so long to do it again either.  Whether you like to water ski, fish, sail, or simply sit back and enjoy the ride, recreational boating is a relaxing pastime that truly has something for everyone here in Texas. Take advantage of the simple fact that regular boaters really do experience an improved quality of life, as well as rewarding opportunities for bonding with family and friends.

If you’re looking for boating information, then you’ve come to the right place. No matter what questions you may have, our extensive boating information guides can help you answer them. is your source for complete boating instructions and resources! Think about a mini vacation here in the wonderful state of Texas and plan to rent a cabin and boat today for a quick summer vacation you and the whole family will enjoy.

Gold Star Finance Wants To Say Have A Great Summer and be sure to check your boats GPS navigation and safety life preservers before you leave the dock. It could save your life!

"Good service, I like the staff."
WJB - Texarkana, TX