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"I would like to give gib kudos to the staff of Gold Star! They are very friendly and very helpful. I would be lost without Rosemary, she is great and so is Gold Star!"
CJ - San Antonio, TX


Notice from Gold Star Finance, Inc.

During these uncertain times converning the COVID-19 virus outbreak, we at Gold Star Finance, Inc. would like to take this time to let you know that we are here to serve you.

We are constantly practicing a safe and clean environment at all our locations. In order to stay safe we are asking you to make your payments using your Debit Card and our over the phone payment method. If this is not possible, we are also offering a curbside payment method. Just call your loca branch office when you arrive and we will come to you.

If you need to come inside the lobby area, we will be practicing the 6-foot distancing rule for the safety and protection of all.

We appreciate your business, and if we all work together, this will be over sooner rather than later.

Thank you.


Mark A. Kuneman

"I will come back if I ever need another loan. Thanks."
C.R. - Temple, TX