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"Gold Star Finance is a great finance company that has supported me and my family for years. They have great service and will work with you and your financial needs. I would highly recommend Gold Star Finance to all. Thanks for supporting my family over the years!"
G.E. - Brenham, TX

Gold Star Finance Loan Application

Please complete the following online application form to begin your loan approval process. Complete all required questions and submit.

Por favor complete la siguiente aplicación en linea para poder comenzar con el proceso de la aprobación de su préstamo. Responda todas las preguntas requeridas y envíe.

Months of $ Payments

Please tell us about where you live:

Please tell us about your total household income and employment status:

Alimony, Child Support, or Separate Maintenance Income need not be revealed if you do not wish to have it considered as a basis for repaying this obligation.

Pension Alimenticia, Manutencion de los hijos o ingreso separado de mantenimiento, no tiene que ser revelada si usted no desea que este sea considerada como base de pago hacia esta obligacion.

Please add up your average monthly expenses:

This should include Rent, Utilities, Daycare, Food, Car, Legal Fees, Tuition, Medical/Drug, Clothing/Cleaning, Internet, Phone, Recreation, and any other recurring expenses.

Esto incluye renta, utilidades, guarderia, comida, vehiculo, honorarios legales, matricula, medicos/medicamentos, ropa/limpieza, internet, telefono, recreacion y/o otros gastos recurrentes.

I (We) hereby affirm that the foregoing information is true and correct, is made for the purposes of obtaining a loan and authorize Gold Star Finance to obtain additional information from any source(s) to which Gold Star Finance may apply, each such sources being authorized to provide Gold Star Finance such information. This application, in any event, shall be and remain the property of Gold Star Finance.

"Always good with their work and always nice about customers."
FW - Texarkana, TX